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Recent Posts that You Should Definitely Read

March 31, 2017

3 Things Every Successful Marketer Must Have

As I have grown in my career, and as I have consulted with clients in different industries and backgrounds, it has become more apparent to me that the ingredients for success in marketing (or any functional area of business) are often the same and are usually very simple. If you have a marketing team, lead a marketing… Read More

March 16, 2017

Get More from Your Marketing by Embracing This Simple Concept

Most businesses get into the rut of marketing their products and services by launching campaigns around their “new and shiny” things, by extolling their features, benefits and discounts, and just by simply pounding customers over the head again-and-again with the same cliched messages. The common factor that creates this seemingly endless cycle is that the… Read More

March 02, 2017

Build a Big Business by Thinking Small

In a small town—like, blink-and-you-miss-it small—about an hour south of Nashville, there’s a small business that you’ve probably never heard of producing unique, high-end, world-class leather goods that are sold and shipped worldwide. They really don’t do much marketing, but they deliver exceptional products and exceptional service, and this company you’ve probably never heard of… Read More